According to a criminal complaint David ArneBeck, who was first convicted of a prostitution related misdemeanor in many Annapolis in 1996, had started sexually touching a 15 year old girl over her clothes as she was asleep during one of her frequent overnights at the ArneBeck’s house.

She was awoken by this, pushed his arm away and ran into the bedroom of a juvenile who lives at the home.

ArneBeck’s attorney Robert Sicoli said his client entered a “Norgaard plea” explaining that his client was too drunk to remember what happened.

Now, what it is a “Norgaard plea” you might ask.

Well on a statement on he said a Norgaard agreement is not a statement of guilt.

Here’s the definition of a Norgaard plea: A Norgaard plea is a plea of guilty where the defendant is unable to recall what happened at the time of the incident. A Norgaard plea may be entered when the defendant is intoxicated or had amnesia and cannot recall the facts of the case.

Let me read that first part again. A Norgaard plea is a plea of guilty.

So by definition he pled guilty to fifth degree criminal sexual contact, which is a gross misdemeanor and was sentenced to 60 days a county workhouse, to avoid even a sip of alcohol, to take courses on sexual boundaries and to be subject to random testings for drugs and alcohol.

He still currently runs the Warrior Cove facilities which are located in Saint Louis Park, Burnsville and Lynn at the little Canada which train clients of all ages including children.

On the facilities website he mentioned Rickson Gracie many times.

He did receive his black belt from Rickson Gracie.

Here’s Rickson Gracie’s statement about David Arden Beck:

This statement is in regards to my association with David Arnebeck. I take full responsibility for allowing Mr. Arnebeck to continue his membership in the JJGF. Considering the final court ruling that he was permitted full unrestricted normal contact with minors, which declares that Mr. ArneBeck was not to be considered as a danger to minors or to society and that I know him his wife his daughter and his work as a jujitsu instructor for 15 years. I’ve decided not to impose further penalties on Mr. Arnebeck other than those already given by the court. In doing so I took the personal position that people who demonstrate the will to change and to pay for the past mistakes should not be ostracized or excluded from society. However, as of today the JJGF is adopting a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual misconduct. We believe it is necessary to unequivocally condemn any case of sexual misconduct and Mr. Arnebeck has been expelled from the JJGF. We encourage any member from the global jiu-jitsu community to help us to enforce this policy and communicate any wrongdoing they are aware of. I condemn in the strongest words predatory behavior that takes advantage of others. This type of behavior is intolerable and contrary to my life mission and the mission of the JJGF. I am passionate to empower protectors and self-defense through jiu-jitsu. Gracie jiu-jitsu in its purest form as a system designed to give the weak tools to protect themselves from the strong. Decades after the arts birth the jiu-jitsu global federation still believes in this mission. We believe that jiu-jitsu should be used to empower individuals and we do not condone any person group or organization who would prey upon the vulnerable. We expect our members and supporters to be the best representatives of jiu-jitsu and that means upholding the standards of morality, standards of character and standards of ethics. Individuals who would use jiu-jitsu to do harm or who would put members of our community at risk are not welcome and will not be tolerated. For those of you who work tirelessly to do good for your students and to represent the best ideals of our art thank you. We need your work to continue. Signed Rickson Gracie.